All Things Being Equal. . .

(All Things Being Equal. . .)

One can begin today by saying that every nation deserves the government it puts in power. That is now most relevant in Great Britain where the opportunity existed to place fastidious Albion on a path of economic growth with tax cuts and supply side policies. At least, that had been the idea of Liz Truss. But as she was not ready for prime time and her "Conservative" Party had no sense of direction, Truss was pushed out and her replacement, Rishi Sunak, the current British Finance Minister will now stand for Prime Minister but apparently without any of Truss' policy prescriptions. If anything, Sunak seems set to run in the opposite direction, promising to raise taxes and fortify regulation. Sunak is adopting the directions of the Biden Administration that have no interest in promoting growth in this country either.

In any event, people are still discussing the Fetterman-Oz debate where the former just barely held his own. Was that sufficient ? Fetterman should be getting a broad sympathy vote as they realize, as these pages here have done, that John Fetterman can go to the U.S. Senate in even a diminished capacity. All he would have to do is vote "Yea," when told to and to give his time whenever there might be a committee meeting, he can give time. If he is the fifty-first vote ?

Well, at least, that was one scenario. It had been the contention that Oz had been fatally compromised by the Trump endorsement. The same was said for Hershel Walker. The Democrat strategy of funding Trump backed candidates, on the assumption that such association would prove fatal to the respective campaigns. That being said, however, Oz, Walker, Vance, Lake and Masters et al, if they actually prevail, it will confirm Trump's continued influence in the Republican Party.

If a GOP sweep in both Houses does materialize, and Republicans find themselves in the Majority, the vast proportion will be Trump Republicans. That could especially be true in the Senate when a new Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will be dealing with a new crop of Republican Senators that owe their political fortunes to the former President, and Senator McConnell's nemesis.

Debates such as the one in Harrisburg, or New York have become known as job interviews. It is the opportunity for candidates to present themselves and can turn a campaign. Remember the "youth and in-experience" quote in that Reagan-Mondale pairing in 1984, that buried the Democrat Nominee. Did the pairings last night alter any voter sentiment ?

People get the government they deserve. Does Great Britain deserve Sunak and all the bad things he wants to do ? Or do they deserve Republicans and potential Hill Majorities.

All things being equal. . . 


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