Protest Too Much ?

(Protest Too Much ?)

Let's talk religion and politics. Generally, those are two topics to avoid in polite conversation but now that Elon Musk has "opened" Twitter, look for all the religion and politics, as well as points south be received expression. Free range of opinion, no holds barred. That being said, there are some people who do not necessarily appreciate such an open exchange of ideas. One side. there could be protesters, making use of whatever free flow of information to say their opinion. On the other side, maybe there is the source of this dis-content. Remember that Canadian Freedom Convoy, on the road protesting Ottawa's covid mandates ? Prime Minister Trudeau has just taken into his authority even to the point of freezing bank accounts, not just for the big rigs involved but for those Canadians that have displayed vociferously

An expanded Twitter is an allegory to a broadened reaction to government policy, like the Canada's vaccine restrictions. China has those restrictions too. And the Peoples' Republic is having problems with its people. The regime that held the atrocity at Tiananmen Square seeing the consequences of closing Beijing, Hong Kong, or Shanghai. Between them are hundreds of millions of people and to keep such a population under lock and key for any length of time can be problematic.

And there are large protests taking place in Iran. In the end, however, no amount of popular uprising, in Canada, China, or Iran will result in an alteration of the regime. It is the government that is arbiter of power and will persist long after whatever protesters are sent home. Those that are still alive, that is.


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