One Meat Brawl
(One Meat Brawl)
"A groundhog and his Shadow are a very famous pair. They forecast the weather, together, a trick that is rare. One little thing that bothers me when out of doors I go, Will it be like springtime, or sixteen feet of snow ? Never know which, I just don't remember. Will it be warm ? Or made like December ? The whole thing just confuses me so that is why I sing:
A Groundhog's Shadow doesn't mean a thing.
Happy Groundhog day. And if reports are accurate, resident rodent, Pawtextawny Phil did "see" his shadow and one can look forward to six additional weeks of winter. Or, if one looks at the anthem above, "a groundhog's shadow doesn't mean a thing." That is from a classic Porky Pig feature of the same name where Grover Groundhog, Porky looking to add him to his taxidermy collection.
So, who is having a "One Meat Brawl ?" The President is dealing with further document questions and looking forward to the State of the Union, Secretary Mayorkas could be impeached and famed journalist Bob Woodward has just realized that coverage of the Russian dossier was a load of crap.
Now one of the more awkward moments any President has to face is the State of the Union, especially if the "State" is a sorry one. Because of his own policies of excessive spending and the open border, Biden's State could be a proud admission that he is responsible for the current state of affairs but it is all on behalf of that transition to a green economy, never mind that one such environmental concern, one that constructs windmills is on the hook for a billion dollars.
The effects of Biden's open border have been trashing high-end Manhattan hotel space. Texas had sent a proportion of its illegal aliens to the Big Apple. In time, so the story goes, all these aliens will be voting Democrat. But there is a new jurisdiction in the House of Representatives and an examination of the border has been ordered and the Director of Homeland Security Mayorkas, who is seen as one of the facilitators of this mass migration could face impeachment by House Republicans.
Finally, Watergate veteran Woodward has concluded at a conference at Columbia's School of Journalism, came to the conclusion that the coverage of Russia-Gate, appropriate term, lacked true integrity in coverage. The reading public of the TIMES or Woodward's paper the POST, were ill served by the agenda-driven publishers who had their own interests who crafted the story as released. It must be remembered, however, that Woodward's book released just before the 2020 Election that contributed to Trump's defeat.
The movie Groundhog Day has been playing since this morning. If one recalls the plot, weatherman Bill Murray has to relive February 2nd over and over and one can seldom imagine this fate worse than death. In the end, Murray ends up with Andie McDowell and the day, and the film comes to an end. As does this day's entry.
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