All Sales Final. . .
(All Sales Final. . .)
In the Stanly Kramer classic, Inherit the Wind, Spencer Tracy (Henry Drummond) was on the porch with his learned opponent, Fredrick March (Matthew Harrison Brady), the latter asking why Drummond was opposed to a fundamental interpretation of the Bible. Tracy/Drumond described a rocking horse Golden Dancer that he had wanted as a child. The horse was obtained at considerable expense but it turned out that it was of such shoddy construction that it fell to pieces when it Drummond first got on.
Now, had Henry Drummond known about the true quality of Golden Dancer, the acquisition would have not gone through. If the picture had been complete about now Pennsylvania Senator Jon Fetterman. Now, the junior Senator from the Keystone State is in office because of a fluke. Fetterman had had a stroke and was not always cognitively viable. All things being equal, that would tend to discourage election. For Pennsylvania Democrats, however, Fetterman's state of mind was not relevant. The real enemies were Dr. Mehmet Oz and by extension, Donald Trump.
Fetterman had already banked millions of votes by the time that infamous debate was held, the week before Election Day. Had the debate come sooner and Fetterman's performance was as it was, Oz could have prevailed in the end. That being said, Fetterman was not sent to Washington to represent Pennsylvania but to only be a "yea" vote. At the moment, the Senator is hospitalized but at the same time is has his name on a bill.
Had people been better informed about President Biden, namely his ties to China and the Hunter "Laptop from Hell" the Election of 2020 could have turned differently. Between the two instances, a lack of information and a deliberate Democrat maskirovka (deception) have placed in positions of power those who are least capability. Like Drummond's buying Golden Dance, unfortunately, all these sales have been final.
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