More Players ?

(More Players ?)

To begin, the Administration can stop dis-avowing whose cocaine was found in the White House the other day. The Secret Service conducted a preformatory investigation and concluded ten days later t was stated the results were "in-conclusive." Nonsense. The owner of the substance in question is one of the protected in the White House so, naturally. the culprit could not be revealed.

In any mathematics problem, the addition of a new variable can be problematic. Translating things into politics, every few Presidential cycles, with the main candidates so un-palatable to most people, a so-called third party candidate rises to prominence. Senator Joe Manchin is being discussed as one such contender, heading a group called "No Labels."

Spoiler alert. Third party candidates have made the difference in the past. How many people think Vice President Al Gore could have won Florida over Texas Governor George W. Bush in 2000, except for Green Ralph Nader ? Or, how, Ross Perot worked to defeat Bush's father in 1992 ? So, if Manchin takes the plunge, which campaign will be most affected ? What about Cornel West ?

Any introduction of Manchin or West will do nothing to enhance the chances of former President Trump. It will be Republicans as well Democrats that will not be voting Trump back into Office. There has been talk about a viable replacement for the President. Unfortunately, for the GOP, there is no current replacement for Trump


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