Next Steps. . .
(Next Steps. . .)
July 20th is generally known as the date when Neil Armstrong and "Buzz" Aldrin landed on the Moon for Apollo XI. Armstrong, as the first human on the lunar surface, had something to say and, after stepping off the LEM (Lunar Excursion Module) ladder, quoting, "that was small step for (a) Man, one giant leap for Mankind." Now, some fifty four years later, there is a renewed American/European effort to return Humanity to Moon with the Artimis Program which would allow for considerably longer durations than the Apollo Missions.
A next step after Armstrong took his first step in July 1969, so now Artimis seeks to write chapter two. Artimis is so much more advanced than Apollo had been. People got enamored with the Saturn V heavy lift vehicle but what is being termed the Space Launch System, more powerful than the venerable Saturn.
These two Luner exploration programs have depended on the advancement of technology. Perhaps the most significant leap forward are contributions being made by Artificial Intelligence. Certain design features, orbital dynamics, and so on possibly incorporate certain A.I. elements. And, A.I. is at the heart of the Hollywood Writers' Stike.
Now, Hollywood is more than just marquee players. Any viewing of the credits any modern motion pictures will see the few actors or actresses but see dozens to hundreds of production personnel. That being said. on screen, TV and Silver, talent has been placed in limbo. With this current in-action, there has been some consideration to, using A.I. to replace said talent.
One can see certain "advantages" in certain cases. The Hollywood Screen guilds can be a problematic collective. Currently, the town is "woke." The over-sense of self-importance and how the once venerable Academy Awards The worst offenders could be supplanted by artificial intelligence.
Imagine a wholly A.I. Oscars !
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