Lesson Of History. . .
(Lesson Of History. . .)
The rush of events can be overwhelming at times. Over the past week, Republicans lost those off year elections because they apparently have the wrong position on abortion. If people generally believe that a pregnancy can be terminated at then point of birth itself, which had been Virginia's own stance previously. If moral equivalency means anything, this is exactly what Hamas did when it executed those infants, barely a month ago. The Republican Presidential contenders had their third debate where Ambassador Nikky Haley excelled. But, the White House seems to have convinced Israel to impose 4-hour "pauses" daily. That would not be consistent with sound tactical doctrine because, any cessation of action, however brief, would allow Hamas to reconstitute to an extent as well.
This kind of thing has happened before. The Third Reich made many strategic and operational errors over the course of World War II. One of the most egregious mistakes occurred in the Battle for France. For those who have seen the excellent war epics, Dunkirk and Darkest Hour, one will learn that the German armored forces could have taken the French coastal town before the British and French remnants could have reached the beach. If the Germans had secured the town first, there would have been "Miracle of Dunkirk," where over a period of four says, some 338,000 Allied troops were evacuated off the Continent. If that did not in fact happen, and the British forces were stuck in France, they would have had to sue for peace. Germany's Western Theater would have been closed and Hitler could turn East without a second front in the West.
With that scenario, total victory had been within Hitler's grasp. That being said and because Luftwaffe Chief, Hermann Goering, wanted his own piece of the triumph and convinced Hitler to pause the panzers just as Dunkirk was in their grasp. To be sure, Hitler committed more mistakes over the course of the War cumulatively leading to his defeat.
The idea of an IDF daily pause of four hours is not completely without merit. Since the war's inception, operations have been conducted at a very high tempo. If short-term re-supply is needed, bring forward munitions and fuel supplies, then such an interval could be justified. The danger lies in responding to foreign pressure encouraging a broader cease fire. Israel needs to resist all these calls and, after the four hours are expended, things can resume.
All that being said, Israel can expect only lukewarm if not ambivalence from the Biden Administration. Iranian proxy attacks have been leveled at American troops and the only response so far has been pin-prick in nature. Biden will probably not escalate in any meaningful fashion meaning that there will not be action against Iran.
The brutal truth is that Isael is on its own and should conduct its operations with that reality. All the anti-Sematic and anti-Israel sentiment should be ignored. The one who can be trusted most is oneself.
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