Chapter One. . .
(Chapter One. . .)
Normally, this time of the year, one usually speaks of Peace on Earth and Good Will Towards Men. Peace of what ? Christmas should be able to stand on its own as an occasion in itself because what it represents is so much bigger than the petty squabbles that are consuming the world today. Today is a day that Bethlehem should be buried in Christian Pilgrams though the closed due to the Gaza War.
Now, Palestinian Arabs have their own traditions and for them, Jesus is a Prophet. For Christians, however, Christmas Day is only the beginning of the Story and regardless of the contemporary context, that is what is being celebrated today. That is why children now are opening presents. That is why great feasts are being prepared. And, if that does not work out, there is always Chinese take-out.
It is un-avoidable that the modern Christmas feel has gone commercial. And that is fine. But while the spiked egg nogg can give a buzz, required to a point. In spite of all the joy Christmas can bring, December 25th is, fortunately, the pen-ultimate Holiday that has to be observed, going all the way back to Halloween. Next, only New Years' Eve, and of course, New Years' Day.
But today marks the beginning of a Great Journey. It was the first revelation that death is not permanent, only taxes. So, allow a conclusion to the audience to have a blessed and fulfilling Christmas. And bear in mind that this is only the opening. One can expect the Money Shot come Spring.
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