Babylonian Captivity

(Babylonian Captivity)

For all the religious scholars, why, if it is the Hebrew Bible, why are the current residents if Israel called Jews ? They are named as such because they come from Judah. Historically, Israel has had Twelve Tribes, decedents of Patriarch Jacob, who is also known as "Israel." In time, as the Kingdom was established and united under King David, Israel was at its height. However, with David's son Solomon and his own offspring, the Kingdom fractured. Ten of the Tribes formed a northern Kingdom of Israel while the remaining, Judah and Benjimin remained in the south.

In time, the Northern Kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Assyrian Empire in the 8th Century BCE. The "Hebrews" living there were dispersed in an event that became known as the diaspora. But the southern Kingdom survived, until the advent of the Neo-Babylonian Empire. Under its ruler, Nebuchadnezzar II, Judea was wiped from the map, like Israel before. This time, however, there was a widespread deportation of Judah's people. This is known as the Babylonian Captivity.

Now, with the IDF set to assault Rafah, and clear the remaining four battalions of Hamas, President Biden very publicly announced that Israel will not receive any new munitions for the effort. In essence, the American President is siding with the terror group against the most important American ally in the region. In a sense, Biden has restored the Babylonian Captivity.

And the President is thinking this would be popular ? Like he thought Afghanistan would be popular ?  Like he thinks Bidenomics is popular ? Like the open border and crime ? Is Biden thinking these are all good things that will help him in November ? It is telling that Biden is abandoning Israel to receive Muslim votes from Michigan and Minnesota but seems perfectly willing to forego any Jewish votes from New York or Chicago.

Biden has limited Israel's options but there are still sufficient forces in place to accomplish the mission and move against Hamas. The campaign needs to be quick because while local stockpiles are available for the time being, the expendables could soon be exhausted. It will have come down to this. Either Israel survives, or Hamas.


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