Bear & Daegon

(Bear & Dragon)

The Dow Jones crossed the 40,000 level for the first time this morning. It has retreated some but it was a milestone none the less. Look for President Biden to take the usual un-deserved credit. 

Meanwhile, details are being developed as to how President Biden and former President Trump meet for their debate, the first apparently on CNN next month, so their counterparts from China and Russia, Premier Xi Jinping and President Vladimir Putin will themselves be gathering in Moscow. Ostensibly, the two leaders are meeting to discuss their own vision of a new Global Order, with Iran and North Korea as junior partners. However, a new item has appeared on the agenda. Donald Trump could return to Office.

Now, both the Peoples' Republic and Russia would both prefer Biden over Trump. Biden has been accommodating in the past, repealing certain Trump initiatives and tariffs. He all but gave the green light for the Ukraine invasion, that could come to a final resolution in short order. China still has designs on Taiwan but if Trump gets elected. how eager would Beijing remain for that venture ?

So, there will be interest abroad for the first Presidential debate because the respective performances of the two men will be telling. The Trump hush money trial should reach its own resolution and, by some outcome he is not found guilty, he would then get released from the cold court room, and if he gets back on the road, holds his rallies, before he meets Biden, Trump will be able to walk into the CNN studio with "moderators" Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, no Trump enthusiasts, would be exactly what the President could handle.

Which could diminish the impact. If Trump is un-fairly savaged, if he has a "mic-cut" event, the desired effect for President Biden would also be diminished. And what are the Chinese and Russians to make of the 100,000+ crowd Trump was able to pull over the weekend ? The conclusion has to be this: Trump is the other President with experience. He knows what works. That would be restored tariffs on China. It would mean the end to the Ukraine War.

When Trump faces Biden he will be able to discuss all that. And China and Russia will have to adjust.


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