NSFW (not safe for work) ?

(NSFW (not safe for work) ?)

Happy V-E (Victory in Europe) Day. ! Across the world, nations that had been once occupied by Germany and those that fought to defeat her, remember May 8th. May 8th, 2024, however, is also seeing continued anti-Israel demonstrations across college campuses that are being dealt with varying degrees of effectiveness. And also, Donald Trump's legal issues could begin to ameliorate.

The phrase "not safe for work" refers to employees at a workstation where if "adult" material is seen on the screen, and a supervisor happens by, it is not a good ides to such imagery displayed. From what has been reported, Stormy Danials' testimony at the Trump hush money trial. The former adult film star knew how to describe, in detail, elements of any alleged affair with Donald Trump. The not safe for work part. It was what Danials' said on the stand, about Trump's silk pajamas, and basically a one-night stand. Details of Danials' testimony, however, are not germane to the charges in question. Trump attorney's asked for a mis-trial but that was denied by the judge. The point here is that Stormy Daniels did nothing to advance the case against Trump. However, almost two thirds of those polled say that the former President will probably be found guilty on one or more charges and they are probably right.

Elsewhere, however, Trump's legal situation has improved some. Fulton County District Attorney, Fany Willis, is being investigated for her behavior in Trump's election interference case. Her disposition is in the hands of a Georgia court and if it decides she needs to be removed, the case gets a reset. And, in the improper maintenance of classified material, a jurist has yet to be impaneled. But a conviction from New York, the strongest case against Trump. as weak as it is in reality, but "fairness" was never on this docket.

So, with Trump on trial in Manhattan under a gag order that could land him in jail, President Biden is on the trail in Wisconsin. At the same time, he is halting munitions shipments to Israel just as it is reaching its point of decision against Hamas. If terminal operations can be concluded before the Biden weapons' interruptions cause logistical issues, then attitudes at the White House can be further isolated.

But, extenuate the positive. V-E Day concluded an epic struggle and while the struggles now might be Trump in the court room with a bad attitude actress, but President Biden trying to campaign with an open border and a lack of campus control. That being said, however, V-E Day could just as easily be V-T Day because he had a good time in courts, not safe for work.


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