Rendered Academics

(Rendered Academics)

What will happen if Israel finishes Hamas over the next few days ? What will happen when the Donald Trump verdict is guilty ? These things are likely within the next two weeks. All the planning that has anticipated these events will have to be re-assessed. What will be the point of anti-Israel/pro-Hamas if the latter ceases to exist in any recognizable fashion ? During the Vietnam War, the Viet Kong insurgency had its own mythology. However, the groups participation in the 1968 Tet Offensive so eviscerated its cadres that the VC became ineffective as a fighting force. It is the same situation with Hamas. Hostilities that commenced on October 7th, and in the months sense have led to the degradation of the terror group. Once Rafah is cleared, and the last four Hamas battalions are fully reduced, and Israel closes Gaza's gate to Egypt, permanently, then Israel can say that it won.

What will that do to the protests ? If Hamas is no more, and the IDF still stands, what will remain if the protests if the motivation evaporates ? All the funding, all the other support to keep those kids and other external elements, in the Commons Yard ? The Israeli triumph will be signaled that the side of the demonstrations, the side of Hamas if you will, was the one that lost.

Also in about two weeks, former President Trump will be found guilty. He will then be sentenced to a term in prison. It has been the recurring argument that the whole hush money venture is to keep Trump in court and then in jail and both will happen. Judge Merchan, a Democrat, and District Attorney Bragg, a Democrat, and the jury, composed mainly of Democrats, are not going to be the ones that will "save" Donald Trump. Not in that jurisdiction. Not in New York.

Therefore, much of what has been unknown has been rendered academic. Israel is defeating Hamas and Donald Trump will be found guilty. These items are going to happen so there is little point in elaborating a moot point.


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