Freeze Frame ?

(Freeze Frame ?)

The J. Geiles Band broke up after the release of their last album, 'Freeze Frame," that included such hits as the eponymously named track as well as 'Centerfold."  A "freeze frame" moment seemed to pause President Biden at s "Juneteenth" ceremony the other day. . .

This entry was started some days ago but a medical issue intervened. Much better now. So, in abbreviated fashion, one continues: Yes, the President froze. The lap top was real and its restricted distribution was designed to frustrate Trump in 2020. That it is open source now to assist Hunter Biden reveals all motivations. Another interesting note would perhaps be that former Speaker Nancy Pelosi. had a new take on January 6th. Belatedly, Pelosi admits. that she. as Speaker. could have asked for the National Guard to secure the Capitol. That was a charge to be labeled as Trump's fault and is not the Democrat Rallying cry "The Insurrection on J6 ?" And here is the former Speaker said it was her responsibility to begin with.

Going forward, the President has had other issues. The ones at Normandy, but, in Italy for the G-7, Biden thought he was getting a 7-cheese pasta. Bless her heart, Dr. Jill Biden is continuing to guide her husband. She, more than most, enjoys the job as First Lady. Close to the President, great parking space and tickets to the best shows. Therefore, she, more than most will know the condition of Joe before he meets Trump.

The former President is convicted on 34 counts so naturally, he is getting the Keys to the City. As he travels. Trump is the anti-Biden. He wants to drill, he wants to end the wars, he closes the border. He is looking forward to the debate with the President. So, to conclude, one is either looking at a "rough cut Tuesday," or a "hot spot love."

This Freeze Frame moment can't be wrong. . .


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