Help From Friends ?

(Help From Friends ?)

John Lennon once composed a single "Get By With a Little Help From Myu Friends." Or words to that effect. Who might the "friends" be in this case ? On this case, it are the millions of illegal immigrants that are being given a fast-track path to citizenship, and by extension, voting rights. Among several states, that are not requiring identification, are distributing voter registration forms. It is likely that some will "cast ballots. If that occurs, it these make it into the system, it could tilt the Election results. Which would be by design.

The idea for Democrats has always been that illegal immigration is desirable because in time, they would be reliable Democrats. In time. However, with Trump at the position he is, "in time" becomes no longer practical. The former President could actually win. As a consequence, ballots will be placed in ballot boxes in sufficient quantity to turn the result to Biden. Last time, the Biden-Trump difference was a few thousand. However, if a million or so Democrat votes materialize from all corners, then the result is better predicted. The more desirable outcome.

Two things can be known about the November 5th Election. The first is that Donald Trump will not be re-elected. He cannot be. As has been labeled many times here, electing a President like Trump is not how things get done. The second is that the ballots that do get counted will merely prove a façade. It will be a sham. But what is the alternative ?

Democrats and their policies are not popular. They cannot succeed legislatively, some redress with the courts is attempted with varying degrees of success. All things being equal the only avenue for their agenda the imposition of conformity. That explains the environmental and regulatory regimes. And that is why President Biden will be re-elected in November. He has to be.

But imagine the scenario when the former President does get another term ? What will be the reaction across the various political news desks and it gets announced, like at two in the morning on November 6th that Donald Trump, the former President would then be made, Donald Trump, the current President ?

There will be nothing to worry about, That is no longer how things are done. All from a little help from some friends.


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