Plan B ?
(Plan B ?)
It is appropriate that today is June 28th. As one might recall, in 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated with his wife Sophie in the streets of Sarajevo by a Serb nationalist. The killing ultimately led to the outbreak of the First World War. After last night's debate performance, President Biden has experienced the equivalence of his own assassination in the ancient Bosnian town.
For the last almost four years, conventional wisdom held that Donald Trump would secure the GOP Nomination but ultimately fall to President Biden in the General contest, As of last night, that dynamic has been reversed. It is now the former President who is favored over the current occupant in the White House. However, last night's performance was all the more remarkable considering all the "prep-time" by all the consultants that had been assembled to assist the President. All but a week was Biden kept behind closed doors as his responses were defined. That being said, Biden still could not seem to hold a thought.
However, it was Donald Trump who had the good night. Despite CNN moderators, Tapper and Bash and their dis-like of the former President, once they saw they could not "rescue" the President, the "decision" was made to allow Trump the benefit of the proceedings and let him go without having to cut his mic. It is being said that last evening's contest was perhaps the most important debate since Lincoln faced off against Douglas.
Minds could have been made based on last night. Polling after the fact should fall heavily in Trump's favor. But Joe is not out of the race yet. First Lady Jill, after leading her husband off the stage, has continued to insist that the President will still run. So now, on the day after, both are returning to the trail. The President will be in North Carolina. The former President will be in Virginia.
It should be of note that the former President did not a running mate. yet. Where does that leave Biden ?
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