Forgotten History

(Forgotten History)

On August 15th, 1945, Imperial Japan announced its acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration which mandated its un-conditional surrender. However, people always forget that, before Emperor Hirohito could make the accession, there was an attempted coup by several Japanese junior officers who ransacked the Imperial Palace looking for Hirohito's recording. In the end, the coup failed but the fact there was the attempt at all, after Hiroshima, after Nagasaki, after the Soviet Invasion of Manchuria, that would have been sufficient motivation to capitulate early. For these officers, however, such stain on their honor was not something they could collectively tolerate.

Joe Biden could tolerate his coup. He had no choice. But the discarding of the "President" has had the effect of removing the protections he had in place. Biden can now be impeached, and the audio of the Hur Report can be released. The Hunter Biden laptop can be fully vetted, and his tax trial begins next month. It was thought those proceedings would cast a pall over his father's election chances but, sine Senior is no longer running, the Hunter trial will have less of an impact. As it happens, former President Trump will be sentenced on September 18th. If Trump is actually im-prisoned, a logical step for one convicted on a 34-count indictment.

Speaking of the former President Trump, of he is the "interference" candidate, then Vice President Harris would be the "manufactured" candidate. She has received no votes. She was forced from the race before Iowa. She did not necessarily distinguish herself in the Democrat debates. However, by fortunes' strike, and a narrative skillfully crafted by a pliant media, Harris has been crowned the Democrat Nominee.

Harris' position changes have become notable but not quite believable. A leopard might change its spots but few doubt that, as President in her own right she would not revert to her instincts. When Joe Biden faced Donald Trump in 2020, and said "he would end fossil fuels," people should have taken him at his word.

People should take Kamala at her word too. Looking ahead to a possible Harris/Walz Administration people should expect higher taxes. People should expect persistent inflation, especially in the realm of energy. How would $10 gas sound ? That is to say nothing as to the regulation. A Harris Administration would not seek to grow the economy but would instead look to expand programs and that would include Medicare for all. Regardless of what she might be saying at the moment.

Were all these items not part of the Biden agenda  ? Is Bidenomics no longer the gospel text of the Administration ? Harris will be adopting the same program again, regardless of her statements. If Harris does best Trump, it will be the tacit admission on the part of the American People that they prefer the government to take care of them, that they have abandoned any sense of aspiration. If they remember that there had been a choice ?


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