Things Left. . .

(Things Left. . .)

The out-door can be exceedingly long for one departing President Joe Biden. In the process, the President has commuted capital punishment sentences for over thirty convicts. He had vetoed that allowed for new judicial nominees to be confirmed with three Democrat jurists delaying retirement, staying on the Bench to prevent Trump from filling their vacancies. China just un-veiled the largest amphibious assault ship that doubles as an aircraft carrier.

Like breaking furniture on the way out the door. President Biden has been cast aside by both friend and foe and his Administration will be remembered as one of the worst in history. At this point, however, it is doubtful the President even cares. The more he can place obstacles in front of Trump, the better. That is why he is commuting those sentences to life. The crimes were horrific and the perpetrators justly received a capital judgement. What sense of justice might a President have if these are denied a just reward ?

President Biden has never had an instinct for being non-partisan. A bi-partisan measure that would allow for more judges was vetoed by Biden who wants to deny Trump his own judicial selections. And related, Democrat activists on the Court are staying put so Trump will not have am chance to nominate their replacements.

Finally in a show of force the Peoples' Republic just launched its largest amphibious/carrier hybrid. Known as the Sichuan, a 076 Class, 40,000 dual purpose warship. In any conflict in the Western Pacific, the Sichuan will figure heavily, especially if there is an opposed landing at Taiwan. This will either prove the best new piece of naval hardware, or it will be a target.

Biden's departure cannot come too soon. It is like one on life-support and one cannot have the will read until he finally expires. That will be done next month but what to do in the meantime. Biden will have continued opportunities to forgive more student debt, to commute more sentences and all sorts of other mischief. He could still do damage,


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