
Other News. . .

(Other News. . .) At this rate, oxygen levels have been depleted. The "performance" of President Biden in last Thursday's debate still revibrates these days later. The questions raised in the exchange with Trump are introducing possible invocations of the 25tb Amendment and in other questions of succession, because, if Vice President Harris cannot assume the role of President herself, then next in line would be Speaker of the House, Republican Mike Johnson. Also, there have been Decisions that were announced by the Supreme Court. The first is that so-called January 6th protesters did not necessary obstruct justice in the "riot" on Capitol Hill that morning. More significantly, however, the Supreme Court took steps to limit the Administrative State. Like a deer in headlights, the Vice President is suddenly aware of her situation. She could become the first Black President with the President's incapacitation. But actually, removing Biden from the Ticket would

Plan B ?

(Plan B ?) It is appropriate that today is June 28th. As one might recall, in 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated with his wife Sophie in the streets of Sarajevo by a Serb nationalist. The killing ultimately led to the outbreak of the First World War. After last night's debate performance, President Biden has experienced the equivalence of his own assassination in the ancient Bosnian town. For the last almost four years, conventional wisdom held that Donald Trump would secure the GOP Nomination but ultimately fall to President Biden in the General contest, As of last night, that dynamic has been reversed. It is now the former President who is favored over the current occupant in the White House. However, last night's performance was all the more remarkable considering all the "prep-time" by all the consultants that had been assembled to assist the President. All but a week was Biden kept behind closed doors as his responses were defined. That being said, B

Popularity Contests

(Popularity Contests) Former President Trump has said he has made his selection for Vice President. The name could be announced on Thursday at the Debate or at the Convention next month. This will be a new VEEP because, not only will he or she need to follow Trump till November and then be the standard bearer come 2028. Now, this is an event that is anticipated as this could be the next Republican President, after Donald Trump. The one chosen will need to fill arenas in the same manner that Trump can. As the former President can be otherwise occupied. If one were to guess as to Trump's choice, it will probably be a Senator Rubio or a Congressman Donalds. Or if residency is a problem, Governor Sanders from Arkansas could be the selection. This list of candidates will, among them, need to be able to mirror Trump, to become him, to be him. If Trump has indeed made the choice, the earlier an announcement is made the better because there is a role to be immediately fulfilled, The Campai

Leopold Made A Friend !

(Leopold Made A Friend !) It is a new dawn in security relations for Northeast Asia as Russian President Vladmir Putin landed in DPRK, North Korea's Capitol, Pyongyang, meeting with Premier Kim Jung Un. In combination with China and now Iran, the four powers can offer an effective foil against the USA, perhaps soon under new management. One thing to say for certain, is if the next President is again Donald Trump, starting with the Putin visit to North Korea, each of these new regimes will find a renewed relationship with Trump in marked contrast to the Biden years. Frist thing to expect is that President Trump will be renewing sanctions against China, he will place restrictions on Iranian oil, possibly bankrupting that regime once again. Un-finished business from four years ago but what and if there is to be s new security arrangement, Trump has said that he has good personal relationships with the leaders involved. Trump has been friends with Putin, and Xi and even Kim Jong Un. As

The Fight This Time. . .

(The Fight This Time. . .) Some eighty-three years ago, June 22nd, 1941, the Germans launched Operation BARBAROSSA , the largest land campaign in history, and the strategic effort of World War II. In fact, with ongoing action in the Ukraine, a significant portion of BARBAROSSA 's original theater. That being said, in the run-up to Thursday the fund-rising numbers have between former President Trump and current President Biden, the former has experienced a surge in money, overtaking Biden. While the President still promotes an impressive game in battlefield states, it has been this Trump that has been able to match his own potential, putting his own ads on air. While money is still important and gives one the ability to put out his message, Trump is perhaps unique in that he can access so-called free media almost on demand. How much will his upcoming rally in Philadelphia be worth in paid media ? Or Trump's other appearances ? The former President is able to circumvent traditio

Pit Crews, , ,

(Pit Crews, , ,) Last month was the 108th running of the Indianapolis 500, with Penske driver Josef Newgarden, taking the Checkered Flag. Along the way, Newgarden made several pitstops, gassing, new tires, wind shield cleaning and so on. President Biden will need his own set of pitstops in preparation for Thursday's debate with Donald Trump. Biden is at Camp David for such preparation, and it will be in these sessions where the President's viability can be determined. But this will be no sped out in the Winners' Circle, if Biden cannot be put together in time, not only will the President not get the Flag, he won't even get the pole. It is considered that if Biden cannot perform in a few days, that will be his end. At that point, there will be no sense in pretending and will give Donald Trump the White House almost by default. Like any other racing team at the Five Hundred, with the all the sponsors, incorporated in a system that takes its car onto the track and, racing

Good Ideas ?

Good Ideas ? All cultures throughout history have had to develop means of governing human behavior, relationships between the government and the people. Most of these come to common sense. For the Hebrews, it was Charlton Heston and dated Hollywood effects in the Cecil B. DeMille classic The Ten Commandments . Like, God is God, does not necessarily need a physical representation. It is a bad idea to take the Lord's Name in Vain, A Day of Sabbath should be observed. One should Honor ones parents. Do not commit murder. It also is a bad idea to step out on one's wife or steal. It is also a bad idea offer false witness against one's neighbor or to "covet." Now, truth be told, no one adheres to any extent to any letter of the Ten Commandments but instead, these "rules" could be seen as a guide to proper behavior. But, as we all know, most people have bad behavior. So what ? The Ten Commandments, as most other religious symbols and banned from the public squar