How NOT To Mix A White Russian. . .

 (How NOT To Mix A White Russian. . .)

Those who have known over the years that the author used to mainline White Russians. A basic understanding of how to make this cocktail is one shot of Kaluaha, one shot of Russian vodka, and, if one so desires, a shot of something extra. The preference here was a 101° Wild Turkey Straight Kentucy Bourbon. Add ice. Finally, and this is important, top off with whole milk. Some people have used low-fat milk with disastrous consequences.

President Biden has been mixing White Russians with low-fat milk. It has been this allegorical practice that have brought his Party to the precipice of what could be a very bad-Mid-Term. Presidential gimmicks abound, the latest would be another discharge from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. That along with the loan forgiveness program is an attempt to "buy" votes. If relevant polling is any indication, however, this Biden approach does not seem to be working.

One of the things to look for with any new Republican Hill Majority is how far back to energy independence could be accomplished. Exactly what could be passed legislatively to perhaps re-start the Keystone XL pipeline. To place all federal land back under leasing authority and exploit the Gulf of Mexico. Republicans would also be keen to increase Artic exploration and exploitation. In this arena, the United States is falling behind other countries, especially Russia, which will have a head start with its ready built fleet of ice breakers.

How will the President re-act to these initiatives ? He could veto energy legislation but that could incur political cost, as he would be killing a means of lowering inflation. With the increase in oil and natural gas, that supply will be returned to the market, supply and demand would stabilize and with that, lower inflation. It is possible the Fed would not need to hike rates at all because new Republicans in Congress would be introducing supply-side solutions, the very concept and expectation of this major policy change would start the re-configuration of the economy.

It will be interesting to see if the President can pivot as President Clinton did in 1995 against Newt Gingrich or President Obama when Democrats lost over a thousand seats nationwide in 2010. The foil with President Biden will be House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) or, maybe, Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell. It will be interesting to see how the latter will take being back in the majority as that is not a role he has not shown particular enthusiasm. The question to be answered is if the senior Senator from the Blue Grass State still wants the job.

In the final analysis, whether this new prospective GOP Majority will be a flash in the pan or will prove to be a lasting phenomenon, remains to be seen. They can start, however, by using whole milk.


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