Propaganda Ministers. . .

(Propaganda Ministers. . .)

Every government needs a mouthpiece. Every regime in history, including some of the more despised, needs someone to deliver the Party Line. For Nazi Germany, the role of "Propaganda Minister fell to Dr Josef Goebbels, an ardent, if not fanatical, Nazi. It fell to him to keep the morale German population "elevated," even though later in the War, with all but nightly bombing raids, the increasing compression of the Reich from the West and the East with Soviet artillery being heard in Berlin. And Dr. Goebbels had to sell these turns of events to the average German ? At the end, that average German was not listening to Goebbels. Or Hitler. Or anybody else in the Nazi leadership. What they had been telling each other was just to "survive" till the end.

One would think that President Biden is his own propaganda minister. Like Josef Goebbels in the last days of World War II, so Biden has give people the impression that things are not as bad as they seem.  The President just said he was responsible for a great decrease in the deficit. The economy is like Hell, Afghanistan was a success. That he is taking credit for lower gas prices while lambasting the oil companies for not producing more. And  The list goes on. That being said, however, most people know that what the President has been saying is not accurate.

It is the Party line. It is the world according to Biden and Democrats and like the Nazi's several generations ago, who suppressed communists. liberalists, corporatists and Monarchists, the Biden regime is wanting in the ability to tolerate dissent. No new voice can be allowed to deviate from what has traditionally been allowed. Otherwise, people could get the wrong ideas and begin to deviate from acceptable behavior. Who knows, some could even vote Republican !

Another source of information ? One outside purview of accepted speech ? The horror, the horror ! But, that is what could happen if Tesla founder Elon Musk completed his acquisition of Twitter. That whole proposition had been brought into some doubt in recent days but, if the sale does proceed, his plans remain unaltered. Aside from promising an end to the censorship of right of center points of view, he has also said he would lay off as many as 75% of Twitter's work force. Just as well. Most of them agree in the limiting of free expression.

Like President Biden. In the attempt to forestall Musk's purchase and the consequences of thereof, the Administration is bringing Musk's other interests, Space X and Starlink, under a national security "review." An effort to truncate the Musk Twitter deal ? If Mr. Musk does everything he is promising, then that would have the effect of expanding what will be allowed in current public discourse. Independent thoughts ? Un-fettered opinions ? How will people survive ?


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