Shackled To A Corpse ?

(Shackled To A Corpse ?)

Firstly, allow an explanation as to the new address. A new computer was acquired
but the "compose" button was lost. So, the new account was fashioned with the address "ventometoo.blogspot/com," with the title The (Daily) Vent 2.

In any event, Hew Straithen was a World War I historian and author, He compiled a ten chapter volume on that conflict titled The First World War which was then made into a ten episode documentary on what was then known as the History International Channel. One chapter/episode was called "Shackled to a Corpse" that basically described the decrepit state of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the other "sick man of Europe," and how its alliance with Germany did much to curtail the latter's operational freedom. Over time, as Austian fortunes continued to wane, the German command took control of all Austro-Hungarian activities. Had Germany been able to detach itself from Vienna, and commit more forces to the Western Front, where the War had to be won, history might have had a different outcome.

In recent weeks, Russian forces in Ukraine have suffered serious tactical reverses in the field. Ukrainians have been able, with Western Aid, to re-take some territory and, with the loss of that bridge out of Crimea, the Russian supply situation does not get enhanced. As the Russian position continues to detiorate, the political future of Russian President Vladmir Putin could perhaps be called into question. If things do not improve ? Is Putin still contemplating the use of a nuclear weapon ? And, if he did ? Now would the Chinese react ?

One of the consequences of the Biden Presidency is the new strategic access between Beijing and Moscow. Both nations have imperial ambitions with the Russian manifest in the Ukraine with China wanting to bring Taiwan back under Beijing's control. That being said, however, as the Russians are in difficulty in their campaign, are the Chinese perhaps re-considering their own move against Formosa ?

One can say that subduing Taiwan, which will require an opposed invasion against a well-armed and supplied opponent and with considerable American naval assets in the region, said attack could be costly indeed. But that would go without saying. So, allow to welcome all of you, old friends and some new to this new incarnation of our time here. Buckle up !


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