Aftermath. . .

(Aftermath. . .)

The current vitriol as being espoused by those on the Campaign Trail will soon be at an end because come Wednesday. all that will be irrelevant. All the so-called threats to Democracy and so on will be rendered academic with the results from the previous night. That Wednesday is also Day One of the 2024 Presidential cycle. President Biden has said he will be running again. Apparently, so will Donald Trump.

Because the Republican Party did not discard Trump when it had the chance, the former President will be as an anchor around the GOP neck. Any Republican gains for this week will be rapidly dissipated once a Trump candidacy is formally announced. The attempt to forestall this catastrophe will have to recruit Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to be the Republican Nominee for President.

The First Triumvirate in Rome had been comprised of three of the Republic's wealthiest citizens; Julius Caesar, Gaius Pompey, and Marcus Crassus. Initially, Caesar and Pompey had been allies. Pompey even married Caesar's daughter, Julia. When she died during childbirth, that dissolved the alliance between Caesar, who was with his army in Gaul, and Pompey who was in Rome. Caesar marched south and in the civil war that followed. Pompey was defeated and Julius Caesar became de facto dictator of the Roman Republic.

While there is no "Crassus" in this dynamic, Trump and DeSantis are the incarnations of Caesar and Pompey. The question is will the Florida Governor rise to the occasion ? He would have to vacate the pledge to serve a full term in Tallahassee. How will Florida voters, DeSantis' bread and butter, react when he gets called to Washington ? And, one can say that the trash talk has already begun, Trump calling DeSantis "DeSanctmonoius." Like Little Marco (Rubio) or Low Energy Jeb (Bush) from the 2016 Campaign.

There have always been those who are called to serve. When Newt Gingrich (R-GA) was ousted as House Speaker and Congressman Bob Livingston (R-LA) was similarly compromised, they turned to Dennis Hastert (R-IL) to stand with the Speaker's Gavel. That have to be the case with Governor DeSantis. The alternative would be to hold a Republican Presidential Primary. If Donald Trump was still viable, things could be done on the cheap. But Trump will have fractured the Republican Party with a pro-him faction and a not-him faction. If one thinks there is a civil war among Democrats, that will be nothing compared to what is about to consume Republicans.


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