BLACK Friday. . .
(BLACK Friday. . .)
The Holiday Season is upon us. The period of roughly between Halloween and New Years' Day. Included of course would be Thanksgiving, just passed. and Christmas next month. Today is Black Friday. And, of one is familiar with South Park's "Black Friday Trilogy," one knows the madness and mayhem that can ensue.
If there is a word to describe this tine of year. it would be shopping. And deals. And the ubiquitous clearance sale. If there is a question this year, however, is how much stuff will actually be available this year as opposed to last year. How much more expensive will things be over last year ? That is inflation. And, one is not even considering the prospect of any rail strike.
So, this Friday promises to be "blacker" than most. That being said, sales records will continue to be set, and while the Friday after Thanksgiving Day is the traditional trip to remaining brick and mortar stores, one also has to remember that next Monday is when those who might be too lazy, have no interest in fighting the crowds, if the weather is bad or for any number of reasons, it is easy to see why one could shop in ones pajamas.
That is Black Friday this year and while some aspects can be problematic this time, the commercial aspects of this time cannot be denied. This might be crass and superficial especially in the context of the Season's broader Meaning. But Black Friday has become a tradition that can be just as recognizable as at least Halloween.
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