Broken Mirror. . .

(Broken Mirror. . .)

Cartoonist Bill Keane has been drawing Family Circus for decades. The strip revolves around a standard American nuclear family. There is the father and mother and four children: Billy, the oldest, then Dolly. Jeffey, and P.J. who has been the baby. On occasion, Keane introduces another called "not me." Whenever one of the kids does something bad like knocking over a plant or grab a non-authorized cookie, the kids point to the culprit and say "not me." The "not me" is drawn as an outline of someone invisible thing with a facial expression.

President Bidan can be one of Bill Keanes' Not Me's in some edition of the funny pages. Throughout his Presidency, and everything that has gone wrong, it has never been the fault of the one who sits, when he is there, the Oval Office. It has been Putin. It has been MAGA Republicans. And, in a gross display of abject ignorance, the President wants oil companies to stop taking so much in profits. Even going as far as a "windfall profits tax." The President is un-aware that he is the very reason why the Exxon-Mobiles of the world, the Shells, the BP's. are all making money for their share holders.

How many times must one belabor the fact that the President, nor anyone in his government apparently, have any understanding of supply and demand ? The Administration has savagely curtailed the mechanisms of supply but with an accompanying increase in demand so the price of oil, and by extension, gas, could not help but increase. But the President has also repeatedly said that the transition to green energy is underway. It has been this force-feeding on which voters will be passing judgment six days from now.

It is a familiar phrase. Want to determine responsibility, look in the mirror. Biden's culpability for the events of his time in Office is well known. Joe Biden has had a manufactured career with lies and embellishments along the way. Biden can see everything he has done in a mirror. That mirror, however, has cracked. Tradition indicates seven years bad luck as a consequence. The problem ? That is also seven years bad luck for everybody else.


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