Coup Completion. . .

(Coup Completion. . .)

How is it possible that so many predictions about the recent Mid-Term were so wrong ? For weeks, the data seemed to indicate GOP success, whatever had been gained in the House would be supplemented by at least two Republicans in the Senate. Now, again Democrats will have control, again, of the Upper Chamber. Various reasons for this particular outcome but one can say, definitively, that Republicans got played.

A mandate ? Democrats were the preference over Republicans. Is that translating to leftist policy preferences ? Is abortion on demand up to the end of term really what the average American supports ? Does the anti-police and anti-incarceral sentiment ? Is crime no longer that much of a concern. Is energy independence not as important ? A secure border ? Were they able to take power, Republicans have been advocating for certain positions one would think would be attractive to average people. That apparently is not the case.

Because the GOP failed to function as a team and because open warfare is being waged by Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell, because there had never been a definitive statement of GOP priorities. What would one expect ? And, truth be told. the whole Republican Senate Conference has never shown the same cohesion as the Democrats. With all due respect, a failing of. still Minority Leader McConnell.

The other day, it was suggested that McConnell, like Trump in a similar fashion, were "destroyed." What was meant was that while Trump will never again be President, McConnell's future as Senate Republican Leader is also now a problematic proposition. What is the point of the McConnell Senate, as Majority or Minority Leader ?

As been demonstrated, Senator Schumer has his Caucus under lock and key, every vote from every Democrat Senator in support of the Democrat agenda. McConnell, by contrast allows his Members to be bi-partisan, to be free agents. In the pursuit of this bi-partisanship otherwise Republican and indeed conservative principles are compromised. That is all irrelevant now. As a Leader, Mitch McConnell has failed his Party by not standing and promoting those ideas of why people vote Republican in the first place.

In the wake of such disasters. there is always discussion as to looking for the next cycle. However, as far as Senate Republicans are concerned, this will prove the last cycle. There is now nothing to halt Senate rule changes that will keep Democrats in power in perpetuity, at least in the Senate. The filibuster, two new states and four new Democrat Senators. packing the Supreme Court and so on. This is. however, what people have voted for and they collectively deserve the consequences. 


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