Advantages To Locking The Back Door

(Advantages To Locking The Back Door)

A staple of any Christmas Season is the ubiquitous airing of A Christmas Story.  A few years ago, it had been It's A Wonderful Life that was broadcast all but 24-7. And there is the 24 hour A Christmas Story for Christmas Day itself. In any event one can recall the ending when the Parker Family was forced to go eat Chinese because the planed turkey dinner at their house on Cleveland Street was ruined when the Bumpus hounds from next door broke into the kitchen and took after the turkey and everything else that had been planned.

If Old Man Parker (Darren McGavin) had locked that door, he, the mother, Ralph and Randy would have had a nice turkey dinner, instead of the Chinese prepared duck. And, if the southern border was secure, like locking the Parker's house, the Bumpus dogs, or the flood of illegal aliens as well as everything else that is crossing the frontier, namely all the fentanyl, in the current state of things, all can be attributed to the deliberate policy of the Biden Administration. Is a policy change possible ?

One of the items on the House Republican agenda would be to secure the border. It will be initiatives such as this that will determine the success or failure of the new Congress. What would be the GOP plan ? Finishing the wall ? Hiring new agents ? Wire the area with cameras and other detectors ? Vertically integrate all these systems into a single operational configuration. Once established, all traffic from either side of the line could be successfully interdicted.

What opposition will become manifest ? Beyond just Democrats and whatever impediments the Senate can offer will be first and foremost. In large measure, it will depend on what the House can do on its own. It controls the funding so it could get a Floor vote and perhaps peel away some newly independent Senators from the Upper Body.

Whatever the mechanism, if the border can be sealed to the extent possible, that would stanch the un-interrupted flow of humanity and narcotics. One would think that there would be bi-partisan support for that.


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