As one can guess, there are several levels of preparedness. And, as one can also guess, a Level Green would seem to indicate a relaxed status. But, the term "green" these days has a whole different connotation. Green means environmentalism. Green means new mandates. And green means woke culture. But, as the President as just mandated that the Armed Services adopt a more green-centric posture in their operations across the spectrum.

Speaking of bad ideas. It was December 11th. 1941 that Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy declared war on the United States. It was in the wake of Japanese success at Pearl Harbor that motivated Hitler and Mussolini to step into the fray and through in with Tojo. It is generally considered this time in 1941, the Axis committed itself to eventual defeat. It would take another almost four years but there would be a Victory in Europe and Victory over Japan Days.

So, what does Biden thinks will happen with these new restrictions. Looking beyond the uniformed elements, but into the contracting as well. A Boeing, a Lockheed-Martin or a Norththrup-Grumman, all with large Pentagon programs. But the defense industry is comprised of more than just these heavyweights. Back in the day, Andrew Jackson Higgins had built the landing craft, Higgin' Boats, that placed every soldier and Marine on every beach in every opposed amphibious assault. But, when the war was over, and landing ships were no longer required, Higgins operations in New Orleans were downsized rapidly.

Now, a Higgins-type company that is not on a war footing, just one that has a day-to-day production of some defense related gadget, would not be one to necessarily comply with all the new environmental mandates. It should not have to. The men and women who have answered a Call to the Colors and if they have to go into combat in some fashion, and they come under fire, they are not going to be concerned about whether those that provide equipment in the field has a specific environmental policy, or what pronoun might be proper.

When it comes to national security, one would think that the basics would suffice. In the words of General Wardon (Ernest Borgnine in The Dirty Dozen) a soldier's job is to wear the uniform and kill the enemy. Anything beyond that and people start to die. Enviornmental adherence and pronoun choice notwithstanding.


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