True Enemies. . .
(True Enemies. . .)
The story is familiar enough. On Capitol Hill, the enmity is not necessarily between Democrats and Republicans but rather between the House and the Senate. To a point, that makes sense. When the cleavage is within the same Party, however, that can be another matter entirely. People are commenting about divisions within the Democrat Party, but the Republicans seem intent on outright civil war, and it would be self-imposed.
There seems to be a determination on the part of Minority Leader McConnell to not cooperate with counterparts in the House, read Congressman McCarthy. How many times over these past months has the senior Senator from Kentucky made the point that his agenda in the Senate is work at cross purposes with the House. Would sabotage be too strong a word ? Or, is the tension between the two top Republicans in Congress a reflection of such dis-function as to there will not be a Republican "majority" to speak of.
Ostensibly, the GOP is supposed to be the Party of fiscal "responsibility." Actions speak louder than words and the McConnell Senate is set to craft an omnibus spending bill of over a trillion dollars. That is in contrast to what has been desired in the House that just wanted a base continuing resolution to fund the government through the new year. However, because of Senate Republican collusion with Democrats, including some Members who are leaving Office next year. so any amount of spending can be engaged with political cover.
That is not the point. Out-going Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL) who gave his green light, with co-sponsor and also departing Senator, Patrick Leahy (D-VT), to this new spending. Shelby had been known as a conservative so why would his terminal act in the Upper Chamber be one to do his part to increase inflation. Now, it is true that that this funding will keep the government open and will be giving aid to Ukraine.
Otherwise, the Feds go dark. The "destructiveness" of a government closure is one of the more exaggerated calamities in Washington and there is a similar mythology that such cessations hurt Republicans, a myth perpetuated by the media. The reality of such closures amount to mountains from mole hills. National parks might get closed but that is the extent of things.
For the politically brave, however, stands on principle can be taken. It might be a game of chicken. If Republicans want to start acting as they should with real ideas as to what can be done for people, then they will be rewarded. That is not going to happen if their best friends are still Democrats.
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