A Roster Fills ?
(A Roster Fills ?)
A start today mentioning President Biden's visit to El Paso and if that is a sincere gesture, and a previous entry cast that in doubt, then Potemkin had nothing on his "village." If one remembers, during the Reign of "Russia's" Catherine the Great, the lives of the average peasant had been Hobbesian nasty, brutish and short. To mitigate those appearances, one of her Majesty's ministers, also one of her many lovers, Gregori Potemkin, had constructed certain façades, fake store fronts that mis-represented the conditions that most Russians lived under. So, when the Royal entourage were making a tour, it were these façades that were presented to the Empress.
Now, Catherine the Great was not one to be naïve enough to accept these Potemkin Villages as the true representation of conditions within the Empire but she was entirely willing to accept the illusion, the best face on things. President Biden in El Paso to see this version of a Potemkin-type Village.
So, while Biden is at the border, a three-hour tour with the migrants cleared out before-hand, and thinking this trip is important, there are those who are beginning to eye replacing him in two years. Republican Governors Sununu of New Hampshire and Noem of South Dakota have both announced, "consideration at least," a run for the White House. Now, just the idea is just that. for the moment, is a far cry from formally announcing and forming an exploratory committee. Getting funding and everything else that running for President entails.
What these comments really suggest is that Donald Trump, who has already made his announcement, could not be running un-opposed for the GOP Nomination. A meteor is less of a falling star in this case and the luster that might have gleaned the former President previously has clearly been lost. As was reported in the Wall Street JOURNEL Editorial Page, the "the era of Trump populism is over."
This is the true legacy of Trump's time in Office. Like Elon Musk buying Twitter on a whim, so Donald Trump similarly thought he could do a good job as President. How hard could it be as a President is an executive position and he was an executive ? What Trump never understood is he needed the assent well beyond the American voter. He needed the approval of the Elites in Washington and elsewhere and that was something that could never be given. There very well could be a Republican elected President in 2024 but that will not be Donald Trump.
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