Constituents. . .

(Constituents. . .)

Public service should be exactly how it sounds, serving the public. Nominally, it is an honorable profession. These days, however, too many who have gone into such service, or more specifically politics, present themselves with their own agenda. Specifically, neglecting the public good for selfish aims. Two cases are coming to mind. One of those is Illinois Governor J.D. Pritzker who is promoting his version of criminal justice reform called the Illinois' "Safety, Accountability, Fairness, and Equity Today (SAFE-T) Act" that went into effect yesterday. As Chicago is violent crime central, and SAFE-T can be seen as a further restriction on law enforcement, at the obvious expense of public safety.

The other possible diversion from what some might consider the public good are those House Republican holdouts from supporting Congressman McCarthy for Speaker of the House. They, like Governor Pritsker, have their own aims and that does not include "Speaker" McCarthy. Now, while that issue in doubt, and this has been patently obvious from the beginning, the Republican House will be unable to move on those things promised. Are another 87,000 IRS a good idea ?

What politicians like Pritzker seldom understand is that all Illinois is his jurisdiction, even remaining Republicans that voted for the other guy. Could they be victims of crime because of policies like SAFE-T ? Is the Governor willing to sacrifice these Illinoans so Springfield can demonstrate that its Chief Executive is woke ? One can imagine that families on the South Side of Chicago could do less with Pritzker's sensibilities and more with Chicago Police Department. If there is a silver lining it is that Illinois will not eliminate cashless bail. The state Supreme Court has placed a stay on that.

Only used car salespeople and probably the media are held in lower esteem than Congress. The current struggle to pick the next Speaker is emblematic of why that is so. The Peoples' House should be involved in transacting the people's business and until it does, such business will be neglected. The situation is time sensitive and if this is some game of chicken between McCarthy and his opposition, and there is a rush as to who will blink first ?

People do deserve the government they elect and that has been J.D. Pritzker and the House Republican Conference. But that is on the assumption that elected representatives would actually represent them. Not to go to Springfield or Washington D.C. to do ones' own thing. That is not what they get paid for.


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