Legion Depletion. . .
(Legion Depletion. . .)
When it had been in its prime, the Roman Army, in both Republican and Imperial periods, conquered the Mediterranean World. Over time, as the Roman Empire began to fade. there was a marked loss of quality among the Legionnaires. Gradually, the ranks began to be continually filled with non-Romans, Germanic tribes' people that took service in the employ of the Empire and that usually meant joining the Roman Army. By the beginning of the Fifth Century, very few serving Legionnaires were actually Italian. When the Western portion collapsed to Gothic invasions by A.D. 476, the various tribes that over-ran Italy had combatants that had previously been in the service of Rome.
The situation in 5th Century Italy is a lot like 21st Century U.S. southern border. Millions have crossed, be it over the Po or the Rio Grande. It had been the depleted Roman Army that offered what resistance it could in the inexorable march towards September 4th (the date in 476 where the Western Empire finally fell). Like the shadow Legions then, so are the Border Patrol are today.
The main differences here is that the "barbarian invasion" such as it is, has been welcome by this Biden Administration, which has steadfastly refused to secure the southern frontier. It goes beyond not having any physical barrier but the abject willingness to allow the tons of narcotics and gross instances of human trafficking. And, stating the obvious, Mexico City has been forced to cede jurisdiction to the northern fifth of Mexico to the likes of Sinaloa.
What might a "border patrol" do if there is no will on the part of higher authorities to have the border secured ? It has been a matter of policy to have an exposed frontier so what role would an ostensible patrol of that border mean ? What is clear is that, like those weakened Legions who could not defend Italy, so the border patrol is seriously undermanned.
The new GOP House has indicated that securing the border is one of their items. As debt-ceiling negotiations are under way and the previous Administration had already programmed funds for a wall, perhaps that item can be discussed and implemented. But that will not fly with the President. In any event, there are too few border patrol assets to do much of anything but to be over-run. Just like last time.
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