The Contagion Returns

(The Contagion Returns)

One probably cannot think of a more useless organization than The World Economic Forum, convening, again, in Davos. Like rats carry plague infected fleas, so the WEF are carriers of the Davos Syndrome, that group of self=obsessed and self-absorbed global economists and industry leaders that sit at that ski resort every January and bathe in their own sense of self importance.

Because the current obsession of these global elites is climate change, and while examining that reality could be problematic, the end result is that all these Davos consultations amounted to one large virtue signal. It has been these attitudes, however, that partially explains the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. They have also conditioned for Chinese aggression against Taiwan. It has been an argued that these self-described globalists and their so-called rules based order seems to fall apart when the rest of the world doesn't follow said rules.

Davos is a bubble and its annual participants make prognostications to a planet whose concerns go beyond the brie cheese and a Chateau Nuff Du Pont. The Davos crowd assigns to itself policy "recommendations" that it expects to be followed by member governments, especially if the regimes are friendly as they are in Washington and Ottawa. Despite the abject superficiality, Davos is an elite club and membership is exclusive. Small men like Biden or Trudeau seek such membership in order to justify their existence.

The World Economic Forum is a ritual, a ceremony held at this alter of globalism. For an organization that speaks for global development, its view from Davos seems restrictive. That is why most people go there to ski. That being said, however, is nationality checked at the Resort Lobby ? Davos is like a Stones' concert for some. The WEF has its own groupies, like U.S. Climate Tsar, John Kerry.

What does an American do when policy prescriptions are not necessarily in U.S. interests ? John Kerry is a Vietnam Veteran, a Senator from Massachusetts, and the 2004 Democrat Nominee. He is also the same type of elitist that sees Davos as a second home. In a speech that he delivered at the conference, the Climate Tsar, where he compared his current "crusade" to something "extra-terrestrial," the point Kerry was making is that, for the sake of the Planet, global growth needs to be curtailed. And that apparently would include this country.


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