A Required Level Of Insanity
(A Required Level Of Insanity)
As the saying goes, one would have to be crazy to want to run for President. And, looking throughout history, the record is repleat with men who were never of wholly sound mind. President Biden, for his part, does not seem to have much of a mind anymore. But, if one were to look for the best example of this axiom, look no further than President Trump. He could have stayed a developer. He was a reality TV star. But Trump then had a mid-life crisis so profound that he ran for President. And, against all odds, he won.
And that was the problem. Trump had been the consummate outsider and had to be schooled in the established ways of Washington. The pandemic and various rule changes in the election laws in some, Democrat controlled states allowed for his ouster. The riots of January 6th was a temper tantrum and was blamed on the outgoing President, who could not attend Biden's Inauguration.
Clearly, Trump has a sense of un-finished business and he thinks he can do it again and in this, he is delusional. And, he will no longer be running un-opposed in the Republican Presidential Primary. Nikki Haley, former Republican Governor of South Carolina, former U.N. Ambassador for President Trump, and now the newest candidate for the Republican 2024 Nomination.
Haley's declared run can be added to the prospective candidacies of Mike Pence, Tim Scott, even Mike Pompeo. It has been noted that the GOP has a deep bench of people could be offered in two years. The point here, however, is that Donald Trump will not be the automatic selection and his evolving list of competitors demonstrates the damage that has been done to his brand.
So, in two years it will, if anything, be a re-play of 2016. If the former President can keep a steady temperament and not get mired in explaining the "Big Lie," he could prove at least not an empty suit. Or, Donald Trump could prove to be the next Eugene McCarthy, a long time Democrat Senator from Minnesota who made his own play for the White House, the last time was in 1992. No one has heard from him since.
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