(not) Feelin' The Love ?
((not) Feelin' The Love ?)
Happy Valentines' Day ! Go out and adorn your loved ones with chocolate and flowers and maybe the occasional wedding proposal. The dynamics of true love. Unless you are having problems. Like current Anglo-Sino relations. One can re-cap the flying circus of late and then have the Chinese complain that American air-space is actually defended and whatever was brought down over the last few days, if they all said "Made in China," like the toy section of Wal Mart, then the Red Chinese would have been caught red handed.
Remember the IVY BELLS tap from the other day, still on display in Moscow ? The Soviets had used it to embarrass President Reagan so now why cannot President Biden stick it to Premier Xi ? Protestations from Beijing notwithstanding, it has been the weakness of the Biden Administration in the first place is why the Peoples' Republic is feeling free to scout U.S. airspace with balloons or whatever and why hostilities between the Republic, and the Peoples' Republic, of China could soon be a reality.
What does the President tell people at that point ? As aware as Biden needs to be, however, the reality is that he was late in the initial realization and he has been over-compensating since. And what if one of these were a trans-polar flight ? That might indicate a Russian origin which adds a new variable. So, China, and now perhaps Russia are making test flights that are only now being engaged.
So, with Russia in Ukraine, coming up on one year, and China determined to attack Taiwan at some point in the near term, this Valentines' Day President Biden is the odd man out. That being said, the problems facing the Commander in Chief do not generally involve chocolate and flowers and the occasional proposal. One can propose the President gets his act together.
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