Eyes Of The Beholder
(Eyes Of The Beholder)
January 6th, 2021 was the date when out-going President Trump, insisting to this day that he had really won in 2020, fomented a riot that marched on the Capitol Building, breached and had a demonstration that had assaulted Capitol police officers and civilians were accidentally killed. Fortunately, this Trump-inspired insurrection was at an end by that afternoon. Democracy was saved on January 6th and former President Donald Trump the "Insurrectionist in Chief," had been thwarted by defenders of national institutions.
Such events had to be investigated, thoroughly, And they were. In the proud traditions of the Watergate and 9=11 Committees, the 1-6 Committee was convened soon after. The Panel was composed of Majority Democrats and two never Trump Republicans. The Committee had been described at length at various points in these pages and the conclusion reached early on is that it was a kangaroo court, quite reminiscent of the show trials of Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union.
The aim was to bring indictments against the former President, accuse him of fomenting rebellion. If that charge had been made, then Trump would be precluded from seeking election back to the White House. And as there has been no chance of a new Trump' election to begin with, the Committee activities were made moot. In any event, Trump had been chased out of Washington and as he was seen boarding Air Force One, for the last time, one of the media commentators noted how small he looked.
At least that has been the official "narrative." In making a one-sided argument that Trump was close to rebellion and as he was to seize power, certain facts were not placed in evidence. Thanks to Fox News anchor, Tucker Carlson, using video material from that day released by Speaker Kevin McCarthy, the new tape added context that was not made available in the January 6th Commission.
The details have yet to be fully examined but the footage does nothing to enhance the culpability Donald Trump as far as fomenting rebellion is concerned. It is true that President Trump is a monster and is worthy of being feared. But people should know by now that Trump feeds off fear. When he stops being feared, maybe he will finally go away.
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