Follow The Money. . .

(Follow The Money. . .)

It is a good thing that U.N. Resolution are not necessarily binding. That piece pf low end real-estate on the East River known as the United Nations has just released its own climate warnings and is insisting on the total cessation of all fossil fuels activity in order to avoid a so-called "climate bomb." The U.N. is Davos in New York and draws the same conclusions namely there should be no further investment in the petroleum industry. These statements, from the U.N. are arbitrary and do not reflect reality, Doing as is wished would induce incredible hard ship for billions, based on a theory that is being dis-credited.

President Biden is probably in sympathy with the United Nations. His long range plans are calling for the exact same outcome now being recommended by the U.N. After his re-election, Biden will be able to discard all new development projects, like the WiIlow field. That is for later consideration, And, as of today, the President just issued his first veto.

There was a Republican Bill that would limit investment firms committing clients' funds to ESG causes. Like those that might still invest in Big Oil. There is a determination to force the eventual bankruptcy of what had been called the Seven Sisters oil companies. This conglomerate is making money and thus delivering a fair return. The President's interference and the :"encouragement" to invest in more "woke" companies.

Most people do not have Biden's sense of altruism and are just out to make money. That is what the Republican legislation was attempting. The President has always said he is pro-choice. When it comes to individual investors, however, there are certain ESG firms that are seen as more favorable, regardless of how much money can be made.


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