Tennis Is Less A Racket !
(Tennis Is Less A Racket !)
Some things in life are irritating beyond measure. As some might have heard, Dilbert creator, Scott Adams, made what some have considered in-artful comments and, as a consequence, his strip has been cancelled. There had been the original hope that the San Antonio EXPRESS would buck convention and keep running the comic. As of today's edition, Dilbert has been removed. No panic though as the online version is still readily available. Dilbert, that pokes fun at corporate culture and its often this absurd operations and the evil (Cat Bert, the director of human resources) as well as the incompetent, with the title character an engineer who has to navigate through this nonsense.
Anyhow, if the EXPRESS thinks it is producing a better product by taking Dilbert out of the funny pages, then all the power to it. American media, print and video, is a sorry state of affairs and would seem to have the sense to not cancel what is perhaps the funniest strip across the pages.
Also irritating would be un-solicited financial advice. Investors should be sole arbiters of how individual monies should be dispensed. Many of these investors place their money in investment firms but that being said, increasingly, firms are focusing on "woke" investments, whether the client wants the money there or not. This is called ESG. Environmental Social Governance. Black Rock is one such firm. President Biden is another.
As an example, say one is a Republican investor. The thing valued above all else by he or she is money and would not really be interested in the save the planet leftism. The idea that GOPers are evil and don't care about nature has some validity. More to the point, ESG funding generally runs contrary to Republican positions. A fund that would naturally attract Republicans would be an oil fund. But, no one is drilling for the moment and such investments to not have the support of Wall Street.
Eventually, there will be a change in management, probably swinging the pendulum back the other way. It will mean the restoration of American energy independence and that is something one would hope everybody could invest in.
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