What If ?

(What If ?)

Of all the "what if" scenarios that have played themselves out, one of the more profound would be what if Alexander the Great had lived beyond the age 32 ? The Macedonian King marched his armies from Greece and conquered the Near East, campaigning as far as India. At this point, Alexander's soldiers, homesick As they were, rebelled against their commander, Grudgingly, the conqueror of Asis Minor, Egypt and then Persis, turned his armies West, Alexander made it back to Babylon when he had succumbed to some affliction in 323BCE. He was just 32 years old.

What would have happened had Alexander at perished at Babylon ? Suppose he and his troops had made it back to Macedon with the spoils of what had been a very profitable campaign. Alexander, soon to be called "Great," was restless. Invariably, he would have turned West. Carthage, Rome, far shadows of what they would eventually become, could have fallen in any new Alexandrian march. Were that to happen, Alexander the Great would have formed an Empire that would perhaps have stretched from the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) to the Indus River.

Only slightly less profound than the question of whether Alexander the Great might have lived, is what would have happened had Donald Trump been re-elected. And, had the powers that be were more honest with the American people, he might well have. And that would not be acceptable. However, there are certain truths that the border wall would be complete by now. The border alone would account for so many crises facing the Biden Administration and its open border policy.

A border wall would truncate the pipeline of people and narcotics by the Mexican cartels who have willing partners with the Peoples' Republic. This relationship was previously described as an axis. Fentanyl deaths in this country are the most numerous now that covid, the other "made in China item," is dissipating. For President Biden, these deaths are collateral damage that must be endured for the greater good.

Donald Trump will never again be in the White House. But what could be a new Republican President offer ? The main thing would be the completion of the wall. But because Trump attempted it, and would have finished if given the opportunity. Not building the wall because it was the idea of the former President. At this stage however, even the wall could prove insufficient.


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