Chinese Checkers

(Chinese Checkers)

Leve it to the Chinese to take a wonderfully simple game like checkers and increase its complication. Triangles ? What the hell is that about ? But, regular versions or Chinese, how relations are playing out with Beijing but in this case also Taipei. And try as it might, the Peoples' Republic of China cannot keep the Republic of China from receiving undue attention. This time it is a bi-partisan delegation led by House Republicans and Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Then a similar delegation returned to Taiwan.

Needless to say that the Chinese Communist Party is not amused by this Anglo-Formosan interaction. Taiwan is where most of computer chips needed in American electronics and auto-motive industries. Therefore, the relationship between the U.S. and Taiwan is one of the more important.

It is also interesting to note that while the Speaker has actively engaged the Taiwanese government, hosting Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen, and Congressman McCaul (R-TX) and another group travelling to Taipei. Where, however, is the Biden Administration ? If Speaker McCarthy and House Republicans are being seen as confronting China, the Biden approach seems to be non-confrontational.

However, that will become increasingly difficult. The time-table for the final assault on Taiwan is set for 2027. Beijing is promising to close the Taiwan Strait to any "non-authorized" traffic. The Peoples' Republic Army Navy (really ? just Chinese Navy is not sufficient ?) could begin boarding certain ships. That being said, if the Chinese to commit what would clearly a Freedom (or non freedom) of Navigation exercise and would necessitate American involvement to restore regular traffic.

At least, that is what will be required when the time comes. But President Biden will need China's assistance in combatting climate change. Like how Czechoslovakia was abandoned at Munich to placate Hitler, so might Taiwan be abandoned in the same context ? But that would be President Biden's approach. Any support for Taiwan can still come from the House GOP.


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