Delivered. . .

(Delivered. . .)

Happy Easter. For all the young ones go and find your easter egg, or potato as the case might be. And for all the Civil War buffs, today, April 9th, commemorates the end of the American Civil War. From Fort Sumpter to Appomattox, the southern slave states that broke from the "Union" and formed the Confederacy engaged in a conflict lasting over four years that, in the end killed some 650,000 Americans. From 1861 to 1865, Antietam to Vicksburg, Federal and Rebel armies ranged from Tennessee to Virginia. On April 9th, 1865, General Roert E. Lee surrendered what had been left of the Army of Northern Virginia to Commander in Chief. General Ulisses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House.

In the four years of War, there had been four Easters and numerous battles that took place in either March or April, traditional months where Easter would be celebrated. And, Faith was abundant, on both sides. There are no atheists in combat. How many clergy donned a uniform and went into action ? Giving last rites and so on ?

It had been in the Battle of Gettysburg where the British had sent a liaison to Lee's forces. While the English had their own civil war two centuries earlier between supremacy of Monarchy or Parliament. The American Civil War was entirely different. "Different dreams: was the comment the British officer used.

April 9th, 1865, Americans began to dream as one nation, one more time. And, because someone found an empty cave in 1st Century Judea, those 650,000 found their own way as well.


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