Flight Risk

(Flight Risk)

Former President Donald Trump is set to be arraigned next Tuesday. While he will not be in hand-cuffs, he will nonetheless be fingerprinted and have his mug-shot. Subsequently, he could be released on his "own recognisites." Normally, one in Trump's position would have his passport seized and his accounts frozen. However, Trump has the means to evade court proceedings and go on the run. The former President is a flight risk and he could disappear. He has a golf club in Scotland so one hears.

One has seen the Trump 757. When he lost the use of Air Force One, the Trump jet, the one he used when he was still the New York real estate developer. Trump would also have access to any number of hotels with his name to them. He could check in, anomalously and wait for things to settle down. One could hope that the District Attorney's Office in New York City are aware of these facts.

The alternative would be that Trump be incarcerated. As it will not be a "friendly" judge and it is quite possible that, with an equally non-friendly jury, Any Trump-team efforts to get the case dismissed outright will not be successful. And with Trump's obvious means to flee the jurisdiction, the judge could order he be held.

And that would be another spectacle. As has been repeated incessantly since the affair began, everything has been un-precedented. Then again, the steps required to remove President Trump have also been un-precedented. Of course he would be a flight risk.


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