Kids In Amercia. . .
(Kids In America. . .)
Kim Wilde was a British pop star that had a charting single called "Kids in America." And, it happens to be the topic today. Youth have been used throughout history as supporting elements to many regimes. The Hitler Youth comes to mind, During the Great Terror in the Soviet Union, children were encouraged to inform on their parents should the latter express anti-state sentiments. In the Peoples' Republic, during the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese Red Guards had been composed of juveniles, whose Revolutionary fervor was seldom matched by the elders.
The same thing can now be said about kids in America. The so-called Generation Z has been exhibiting its own revolutionary fervor. These are a new generation of activists mostly on the Left that are adherents to the George Soros school of Public Policy. Thay are more willing to accept government intervention. They are generally pro-choice. They support the Ukraine War. The think tax policy should be used to re-distribute wealth, especially against billionaires. In a word, socialism would seem to be more appealing to them than perhaps other Americans. And. under no circumstances, would they vote Republican.
That is an issue for the GOP as its ability to win elections without that bloc could prove problematic. But Republicans would not be the type that would draw such individuals into the Party because there is an ideological mis-match. One that embraces socialism is not one to embrace free market capitalism. Generation Z does not necessarily believe in American exceptionalism. Or an America First agenda. That is Trump's idea.
It would seem that Generation Z is green and woke. They have shown themselves to be on-board with the Biden Administration and there are talks to have a dedicated TikTok briefing room attached to the West Wing, staffed with platform "influencers." While the President's disposition on 2024 have yet to crystalize, he does have a ready army of willing warriors to with which he can march to his next horizon. Wherever that might be.
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