Little Boots. . .

(Little Boots. . .)

Caligula, whose full name was Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, was the third Emperor of the Roman Empire, the "adopted" son of the Emperor Tiberius. The name "Caligula" was one assigned to him by Roman legionnaires he had been associated with. The Emperor's nickname mean "little boot" and the name struck. Caligula was a tortious sovereign given to extreme excesses in depravity. In time, the Pretorian Guard lost its patience and assassinated what had been the Third Emperor of Rome.

It is also quite possible that Caligula was not wholly sane to begin with. In one of his more bizarre episodes, the Emperor had several thousand Roman troops. pick up all sea shells on one particular beach. Not that the exercise had any particular merit, but because Roman emperors were all powerful with absolute authority, if Caligula tells a Centurian to gather sea shells, one gathers sea shells.

President Joe Biden is playing his own role as Emperor Caligula. The Emperor no doubt had "advisers" and those for Counsel but that was in absolute Monarchy. President Biden, on the other hand, while he does have advisers, has been acting as a "one man show." Joe Biden never had the wherewithal to be an expert on anything. Regardless, the President, against "advice," ordered the abandonment of first Bagram Air Force Base, and then Afghanistan itself.

Biden has never had a "strategic" vision. He has not been one to see beyond the next poll, to really examine how his actions have consequences. He wanted the Afghan Mission to end by that year's September 11th. Similarly, the President has no path forward with regards to the Russo-Ukraine, conflict. While current hostilities can be ascribed to his own international weakness and an inability to place American interests at the forefront.

How much has the President's border policy cost ? His climate policy ? Had any of these policy prescriptions been fully examined or vetted before being implemented ? What about all the bans on appliances that are being put forth ? The President has been his own sense of self-importance. And he is marching across the global stage in little boots.


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