Sham Trials. . .

(Sham Trials. . .)

Believe it. One tires easily when it is all Trump, all the time. The reasons for this have been described. The former President proved un-manageable. That his background in business, specifically Big Apple commercial real estate, his approach as Chief Executive was alien to more establishment types in the government. Therefore, the powers that be deemed that Trump should he replaced. It was that "big three" combination between Wall Street, the Media, and Big Tech that elevated Joe Biden to the Presidency. Consequences be damned.

That being said, Donald Trump failed to take a cue of past one-term Presidents and fade into the sunset. The ego is too big for that, And, in his mind at least, 2020 had been decided in his favor to begin with and it was only the Democrat conspiracy that placed Biden in the White House.

But Donald Trump thinks he could replicate President Grover Cleveland (R) from the 19th Century. Cleveland won, lost, then won again, the only President to serve two terms but not consecutively. Trump. also a Republican, wants to do the same thing. And, that is what people are afraid of.

It has been the persistent opinion is that the former President will not serve another term. That being said, however, it would be a mistake to wholly discount the possibility that lighting never strikes twice. So, a fake trial with fake charges, and a vengeful D.A. and regardless of whatever legal merits, or the lack thereof as the case might be, would further seek to compromise Trump's position.

This can remind one of another sham trial that took place some two thousand years ago. The one back than had too been a disruptor. A pain in the ass for the Establishment then as Trump could be seen now. But the charges being leveled at this person, were the Sin of the entire world. A Debt. Paid in full.


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