Stupid Things Said On Televison

(Stupid Things Said On Televison)

Is this thing on ? There is always the possibility that one could make some inane comment that makes no sense. The so-called "green movement "is buying a lot of air time, promoting their agenda. One of the more ridiculous spots was some PSA that proclaims in enthusiastic fashion that "America is about to become the world's green superpower. And instead of oil, one should buy silver."

Now, one would assume that one could tell the difference between oil and silver and how one is an energy source while the other could go into gramma's fine silver ware. On the surface one can see that statement is lacking any semblance of common sense. But the President, among others, still believe that the environmental standards being force fed to the American people, all the regulations and appliance banning coming from the White House and, if there is any idea that any of this stuff will survive the next Republican Administration is simply delusional.

As Biden made it a point to reverse everything Trump did, that door swings both ways. One can see the next GOP President, on his or her own Day One, ordering the completion of the Keystone XL. That every piece of real estate that has oil gets drilled. The United States would again withdraw from that Paris climate thing. And this time the border will be sealed and a more assertive posture will return to American international relations.

If there is a saving grace to any of this is that in the end, it will probably prove temporary. One would not necessarily need a change at White House but politicians who want to side with an increasingly frustrated constituency, that desire that all this green stuff begin to be tempered. They at least know what the difference between oil and silver.


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