A Gift For Under-Stating Things
(A Gift For Under-Stating Things)
One can say that the Eisenhower Administration was composed of white bread and mayonnaise. As President, he did not need all the excitement because he had enough of that when he was Supreme Allied Commander for the European Theater of Operations during the Second World War. On May 7th, 1945, 78 years ago, his command, Supreme Headquarters, Allies Expeditionary Force, concluded the un-conditional surrender of the German High Command in Reims.
Now, one would think that the end of the War in Europe would call for some great declarative statements as to the significance of the event. Members of Eisenhower's staff struggled to find something profound but the Supreme Commander opted for this simple press release:
"The mission of this Allied force was completed at 0247 Hours local time."
That's it ? The most destructive conflict of all time and Eisenhower was content with Mission Accomplished. Whatever. But the Genral's actions are instructive. If one is doing the job, credit for the aftermath is not always necessary. How about the blame ? The "stability" of the Eisenhower years are standing in contrast to the Biden Administration, "Ike" had been fighting the Cold War and Biden is about to start another one with China.
President Eisenhower had a secure border but after the Twelfth and the expiration of Tittle 42, the Biden "Department" of Homeland Security is expecting a surge of perhaps 12,000 to 14,000 illegals a day, That will have been in addition to those millions that have already crossed the border.
There had been no great expansion of the welfare state under Eisenhower and he was content to keep the budget all bit in balance. He did recognize that the Soviet Union was a threat and the Arms Race was a reality of the tines, Today, however, President Biden has trouble deciding what to keep sending to Ukraine.
But 78 years ago, Supreme Allied Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower took stock of the fact that he was able to bring to a successful conclusion his commission to run, and then win, the European War. That fact alone would need to fan fare.
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