Global Box Office

(Global Box Office)

The "Fast & Furious" franchise latest release, Fast X is about to be released, if it is not in theaters already. After its run, domestic and international, and what will be coming from streaming services, the end total could be in excess of several hundred million dollars. That is unless the movie bombs. People have been watching Vin Diesel take a 10 second car a quarter mile at a time since 2001. Is there still enough gas in this tank for another blockbuster ? Time will tell.

The other "attraction" is how the newly emerged Trump-DeSantis dynamic. Like Fast X, there will be a domestic haul. But what will be the global tally ? How will Beijing. Moscow, or Tehran view what are in essence the two top Republican contenders to be the GOP Nominee, and then, perhaps, President. Now, the possibility exists that President Biden will prove less viable as time goes on, these foreign competitors, will need to decide who will be their preference to man the White House ?

The myth that President Trump colluded with Russia has been thoroughly examined and equally debunked. That does not mean that the concept is flawed. Trump was elected on his own merit and Biden was installed on the merit of others. So, at this point, what would be best in each countries' interests: Biden, DeSantis, or Trump ?

For his part, President Biden has to come to an "accommodation" with House Republicans over the debt ceiling, is under investigation over alleged bribery or influence peddling charges. And of course, his age. Biden might not be in Office for much longer by virtue of any cognitive condition.

He would still beat Trump, And. truth be told, the Peoples' Republic have a preference for Biden in his career as President and the Administration's climate agenda has had the effect of weakening the U.S. to the benefit of China. American support for an un-ending commitment to Ukraine, to Russia's chagrin of Russia.

The wild card, then, is Ron DeSantis. 


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