Mandatory Retirement Age ?
(Mandatory Retirement Age ?
It is a well-known fact that those serving in the Armed Services must retire by a certain age. Depending on the individual, such discharges might seem arbitrary and in other cases, the release in question could be justified. What about politicians who either by age or some other medical condition, are not able to fulfill terms of Office ? Two Senators, both Democrats whose recent performance on Capitol Hill has proven problematic. Senator Dinan Feinstein (D-CA) and Senator Jon Fetterman (D-PA) both have been "absent" from what has been the central role as legislators, their floor vote.
Now, Senator Feinstein has been an institution. She has served with distinction and has been a voice for California since the beginning. That being said, however, Feinstein's' long tenure has had the effect of being placed behind the times. While she has always been a reliable Democrat vote, she has also been known to reach across the Aisle. Feinstein has been less purely an ideologue in contrast to some of the newer members. Like her colleague from Pennsylvania, Jon Fetterman.
Like President Biden, Senator Fetterman has his own cognitive issues stemming from his stroke. All things being equal, one would think that such an individual would not be fit for Office in the first place. The infamous debate Fetterman stumbled through against then incumbent Pat Toomey (R) but Fetterman had already banked his votes. However, because Pennsylvania Democrats were aware of the Senator's true condition, the debate was postponed till the Democrat's lead was already substantial.
It is perfectly acceptable to place flawed candidates into office because they can be. And it is not the frailty of a Senator Feinstein or a cognitive issue with Mr. Fetterman. President Biden himself is having issues. All that has never been relevant. The Democrats have the machinery is in place where some candidate could be brain dead and still win an election over any Republican.
Democrats have mastered process over candidates. That is why they are able to ballot harvest. That is why mail in and un-solicited ballots are in common use. That being said, these politicians that might be living under some impairment are still required to act on behalf of the rest of the Senate Democrat Caucus, who are more or less at 100%.
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