Must See TV ?

(Must See TV ?)

When events occur, more often than not, a "commission" gets convened. The so-called 9/11 Commission was less of an investigation into how some 19 Muslim terrorists hijacked the planes thy did, what happened with their use, and more how former officials from the Clinton Administration, in office as the al Queda plot was developed, supplied, training of the principals and finally the execution. So, when these former officials sat on that panel, their main motivation was to keep their Administration from too much embarrassment because it had been the accumulation of failure of the Clinton tenure.

In any event, Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) chaired a Judiciary Committee hearing today to hear testimony from several FBI "whistle blowers." These individuals could re-count first hand what has been called "politicized rot." Democrats on the Committee seem to object because what today's Hearing did in the end was to confirm that the political Bureau did interfere against former President Trump. If Jordan was able to identity and receive statements from these witnesses, such testimony would confirm elements of the Durham revelations. For their participation today, forced their removal from the Bureau that had resulted in varying consequences. 

Committee Democrats, on the other hand, wanted to continue to make the episode about Trump. The corrupt FBI did its part in the 2020 Election and will be called on again to replicate the exercise in 2024 as Trump is running again. In other words, the threat still exists and the FBI will need to use its control of information to again alter peoples' perceptions. It has been the consistent prediction of these pages that Trump will lose and the Federal Bureau of Investigation will be contributing to that result.

There has been a lot of commentary on how the FBI needs to be reformed. Why ? It did exactly what it was supposed to do. It knows what it will have to do next year because the permanent retirement of Trump. That impetus was on full display in the Judiciary Committee today. 


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