Not One Red Cent !

(Not One Red Cent !)

Usually, this phrase indicates an absolute refusal to broker nonsense, or, more colloquially put, does not stand for (expletive deleted). There has been a lot of (expletive deleted) going on. Be it reparations in California, or President Biden's new rules for power plants, but no rules for the border. And, as his idiocy abounds, so-called Climate Tsar. John Kerry, is seeing fit to wage war on American agriculture.

Collectively, these ideas are absurd. Perhaps not more so than reparations in California. One can object to the concept out of principle. It has been reveled that my family is from the South. One ancestor was a Creek Indian chief and another was a Colonel with Alabama during the Civil War. And, a few of these ancestors owned slaves. Now, their actions then are not the responsibility now. And, so much of the Golden State proposal does not make sense. California was not a slave state. But, on the encouragement of Governor Gavin Newsome, ever present race hustlers make an issue in the expectation that potentially billions of dollars to be disbursed. Only the Governor is now finding out how impractical this whole thing is and looking to back track. He should know, however, that he is committed.

One who could be committed is President Biden because he has been doing some insane things. Now one has looked at this climate agenda and Biden thinks it will be a good idea to close what amounts to 60% of domestic power generation because it gets derived from fossil fuel processing. Coal or natural gas ? In order to fulfill green dreams, but no one is telling the President that people need power. They prefer the lights on, their gas stoves cooking, their refrigerators humming, and the air conditioners cooling. One see what will last longer ? People need power and that is not going to exclusively off wind and solar, which when one considers things, it is a lot of hot air.

In addition to power, people also need food. But as the President is determined to deprive people of power, so John Kerry wants to deprive people of food. Kerry has a terminal case of Davos Syndrome. The American farmer feeds the world but Kerry is saying it causes environmental damage in the process. So, the entirety of U.S. agribusiness needs to be regulated and the independence of a multi-generational farm could soon come to an end.

None of these polices have ever had broad public support. A bunch of "Biden Buddies" in the impression that they are the essential players in what they determined would be good for the planet. The polices from the Administration that is in Office less for the benefit of the American people and more for the whole globalist initiative. Something else for which one does not give two red cents.


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